Eat fat fueled
Every plate is a perfect balance of nutritious healthy fats, moderate protein and minimal carbs. The perfect combo for optimal health!
Friends, it is ALL about the food.
Did you know that the quality and macronutrients of the food that you put into your body, has a direct reflection on your health? That's right. The food you eat can determine how healthy of a life you will have, even more so than genetics. Mind blown!
Some people think eating this way is unachievable and unhealthy. When you balance your plate with nutrient dense fats, quality protein and minimal carbs you are taking the best care of your body. This food tastes amazing and there is never a requirement to purchase a product. Being in ketosis is a natural state.
"Say Yes. You'll figure it out afterward"
Tina Fey
keto changed me
Although it might have looked from the outside that I was healthy, let me assure you I had some bad habits. Years and years of yo-yo diets. Crazy weight gain during my pregnancies. Running mile after mile to shed body fat. All of that is so much different today! After 30 years of dieting I can tell you I have quit that cycle! The best part is, I've got my family on board and we are KETOtogether!!